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1.   国家自然科学基金面上项目,32271567,相分离介导组蛋白去乙酰化酶hda6低温感受的机制研究,/12,在研,参加

2.   甘肃省自然科学基金面上项目,22jr5ra462,ckrw1亚家族蛋白分子功能鉴定,/10,在研,主持

3.   科技开发项目,lzukyht1118202210140506,高效表达腈水合酶的原核表达菌株开发,/12,在研,主持

4.   国家自然科学基金面上项目,31970713,组蛋白h2b单泛素化修饰对植物内源生长素稳态的影响和作用机理,/12,在研,参加

5.   甘肃省自然科学基金面上项目,20jr5ra270,ckrw2影响pin2细胞定位的机理研究,/10,已结题,参加

6.   中央高校优秀青年教师科研创新项目,lzujbky-2020-33,泛素连接酶ckrw1家族参与根向重力响应研究,/12,已结题,主持

7.   细胞活动与逆境适应教育部重点实验室开放项目,lzujbky-2019-kb05,ckrw1蛋白家族的功能研究,/06,已结题,主持

8.   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31700215,拟南芥d53-like smxls调控植物盐耐受性的机制研究,/12,已结题,参加

9.   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31600218,拟南芥ckrw1调节内源生长素水平稳态平衡的分子机理研究,/12,已结题,主持

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31671458,ckrc3在维持拟南芥内源生长素稳态中的作用和机理,/12,已结题,参加

11. 中央高校自由探索项目,lzujbky-2016-78,拟南芥ckrw1参与根向地性反应的分子机制,/04,已结题,主持

12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31371431,酰基转移酶gfc1参与细胞分裂素信号转导的生化和分子机理,/12,已结题,参加

13. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,31030045,植物生长素合成及代谢缺陷突变体的系统筛选和研究,/12,已结题,参加




1. 拟南芥蛋白ckrw1参与调控内源生长素稳态的分子机理

2. 组蛋白h2b单泛素化修饰调控内源生长素稳态的分子机理



1.     liu hq#, pu zx#, di dw, zou yj, guo ym, wang jl, zhang l, tian p, fei qh, li xf, khaskheli aj, wu l*, guo gq*. significance of natb-mediated n-terminal acetylation of auxin biosynthetic enzymes in maintaining auxin homeostasis in arabidopsis thaliana. commun biol., 2022, 5(1): 1410.

2.     wang jl, di dw, luo p, zhang l, li xf, guo gq, wu l*. the roles of epigenetic modifications in the regulation of auxin biosynthesis. front. plant sci., 2022, 13: 959053.

3.     luo p#*, di dw#*, wu l, yang j, lu y, shi w. micrornas are involved in regulating plant development and stress response through fine-tuning of tir1/afb-dependent auxin signaling. int. j. mol. sci., 2022, 23(1): 510.

4.     wang jl, liang ly, lang n, li yy, guo w, cui j, zou yj, liu hq, fei qh, li xf, guo gq, wu l*. an improved plant crispr-cas9 system for generating cas9-free multiplex mutants. biotechnol & biotechnol equipment, 2021, 35(1): 1850-1857

5.     lang n, liang ly, wang jl, wu l*. crispr/cas9-enabled multiplex gene editing in plant research. fenzi zhiwu yuzhong (molecular plant breeding), 2021, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.s.20210722.1032.002.html

6.     liu hq, zou yj, li xf, wu l, guo gq*. stablization of acos by natb mediated n-terminal acetylation is required for ethylene homeostasis. bmc plant biol., 2021, 21(1): 320

7.     wu l, wang jl, li xf, guo gq*. cytokinin-controlled gradient distribution of auxin in arabidopsis root tip. int. j. mol. sci., 2021, 22(8): 3874

8.     zhang l, luo p, bai j, wu l, di dw, liu hq, li jj, liu yl, khaskheli aj, zhao cm*, guo gq*. function of histone h2b monoubiquitination in transcriptional regulation of auxin biosynthesis in arabidopsiscommun biol., 2021, 4(1): 206

9.     zhang j, hafeez mt, di dw, wu l, zhang l*. precise control of aba signaling through post-translational protein modification. plant growth regul., 2019, 88(2): 99–111

10.  fei qh, zhang jh, zhang zr, wang yx, liang ly, wu l, gao hh, sun yl, niu bt, li xf*. effects of auxin and ethylene on root growth adaptation to different ambient temperatures in arabidopsisplant sci., 2019, 281: 159-172

11.  fei qh, liang ly, li f, zhang l, li yx, guo ym, wu l, meng xq, gao hh*, li xf*. transcriptome profiling and phytohormone responses of arabidopsis roots to different ambient temperatures. j. plant interact., 2019, 14(1): 314-323,

12.  wang l*, yu dl, zhang hw, he ly, wu l. ortho-topolin riboside induces apoptosis in acute myeloid leukemia hl-60 cells. mol. cell toxicol, 2016, 12: 159-166

13.  di dw, wu l, zhang l, an cw, zhang tz, luo p, gao hh, kriechbaumer v, guo gq*. functional roles of arabidopsis ckrc2/yucca8 gene and the involvement of pif4 in the regulation of auxin biosynthesis by cytokinin. sci. rep., 2016, 6, 36866

14.  di dw#*, wu l#, luo p, zhang l, zhang tz, sun x, wei sd, an cw, guo gq. analysis the role of arabidopsis ckrc6/asa1 in auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis. journal of plant biology, 2016, 59(2): 162-171

15.  wu l#, luo p#, di dw#, wang l, wang m, lu ck, wei sd, zhang l, zhang tz, amakorová p, mrvkovám, nováko, guo gq*. forward genetic screen for auxin-deficient mutants by cytokinin. sci. rep., 2015. 5: 11923

16.  wu l#, zhou zy#, zhang cg#, chai j, zhou q, wang l, hirnerová e, mrvková m, novák o, guo gq*. functional roles of three cutin biosynthetic acyltransferases in cytokinin responses and skotomorphogenesis. plos one, 2015, 10(3): e0121943

17.  wu l*, di dw, zhang d, song b, luo p, guo gq. frequent problems and their resolutions by using thermal asymmetric interlaced pcr (tail-pcr) to clone genes in arabidopsis t-dna tagged mutants. biotechnol & biotechnol equipment, 2015, 29(2): 260-267

18.  zhou zy#, zhang cg#wu l, zhang cg, chai j, wang m, jha a, jia pf, cui sj, yang m,chen r*, guo gq*. 2011. functional characterization of the ckrc1/taa1 gene and dissection of hormonal actions in the arabidopsis root. plant j., 2011, 66(3): 516-527

最新更新时间: 2022-11-14