changming zhao-永利棋牌


  • title: 教授(博士生导师)
  • department: 分子生态学研究所
  • address: 生物2号楼806
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2005.07-2008.04 兰州大学生命科学学院,讲师;
2008.05-2010.04 兰州大学生命科学学院,副教授;
2010.05-至今       兰州大学生命科学学院,教授。

academic appointments

1996.09-2000.06 兰州大学生命科学学院,获理学学士学位;
2000.09-2005.06 兰州大学生命科学学院,获理学博士学位;
2007.07-2010.10 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所博士后;
2009.05-2010.04 美国明尼苏达大学森林资源系访问学者。

administrative appointments


honors & awards


教育部自然科学一等奖(2013, 3/5)





  1. 祁连山生态功能和生物多样性的监测与评估研究(中国科学院战略性先导科技专项:子子课题主持)
  2. 祁连山及其影响区生态系统修复技术研究与示范(甘肃省科技重大专项:课题主持)

  3. 兰州市林木种质资源调查项目(兰州市林业局:项目主持)


  1. 树木抗逆生理生态(国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目:31522013;主持)
  2. 云杉属树种水分运输关键功能性状适应性进化研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目:31370603;主持)
  3. 自然二倍体杂交物种-紫果云杉高原生境适应的生理机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目:31170571;主持)
  4. 边际土地改良和可持续利用的糖类能源植物规模种植技术(国家科技支撑计划:子课题主持)
  5. 高果聚糖菊芋良种创制与高效栽培示范(中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目:lzujbky-2015-k14;主持)
  6. 木材和材性形成的比较基因组学 (科技部“973”课题:2012cb114500;第二参加人) 
  7. 杂交形成的物种-高山松杂种优势及其环境适应性(国家自然科学基金青年项目;主持)
  8. 急尖长苞冷杉与峨嵋冷杉叶性状对海拔的响应和耦合研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目;主持)
  9. 西部不同纬度区森林重要树种对高山海拔梯度变化的生理生态响应(教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;主持)
  10. 利用叶绿素荧光多项上升动力学技术筛选优良抗逆树种(甘肃省自然科学基金;主持)
  11. 黄土丘陵风沙区抗逆性植物种筛选与生态水文单元制图(2012620111000236;主持)
  12. 中国云杉属植物遗传多样性形成与遗传资源保护研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目:30930072;参加)
  13. 青藏高原气候变迁和生态系统可持续发展合作研究 (科技部国际科技合作项目:2010dfa34610;参加)
  14. 西部旱寒地区天然林树种的种群遗传多样性、生理生态学特征和保育措施(国家自然科学基金重点项目;参加)
  15. 西部寒旱生境下植物抗逆相关基因的适应性进化(教育部科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目;参加) 



英文期刊论文(*代表通讯作者): k, chen n, zhang x, wang j, wang m, khan s, han c, zhang c, wang s, wang l, gao w, liu y, zhao c*. increased drought and atmospheric co2 positively impact intrinsic water use efficiency but do not promote tree growth in semi-arid areas of northwestern china. trees, 2019. s, wang r, xiao y, li f, mu y, lu y, gao w, yang b, kou y, zeng j, zhao c*. growth, yield formation, and inulin performance of a non-food energy crop, jerusalem artichoke (helianthus tuberosus l.), in a semi-arid area of china. industrial crops and products, 2019, 134: 71-79.

3.jia r, chen n, yu k, zhao c. high rainfall frequency promotes the dominance of biocrust under low annual rainfall. plant and soil, 2019, 435:257-275.

4.chen n, wang x, zhang y, yu k, zhao c*. ecohydrological effects of biological soil crust on the vegetation dynamics of restoration in a dryland ecosystem. journal of hydrology, 2018, 563: 1068-1077. m, wang j, zhang a, zhang x, sun s, zhao c*. functional traits related to environmental divergence in combination with phylogenetic relationship of picea species. 2018, 80: 131-142. b, mchugh a d, guo s, ma q, zhang j, zhang x, zhang w, du j, yu q, zhao c*. factors influencing the natural regeneration of the pioneering shrub calligonum mongolicum in sand dune stabilization plantations in arid deserts of northwest china. ecology and evolution, 2018, 8(5): 2975-2984. b, zhou y, ma q, yu q, zhao c*, sun k*. the bet-hedging strategies for seedling emergence of calligonum mongolicum to adapt to the extreme desert environments in northwestern china. frontiers in plant science, 2018. 9. s, yang b, kou y, zeng j, wang r, xiao y, li f, lu y, mu y, zhao c*. assessing the difference of tolerance and phytoremediation potential in mercury contaminated soil of a non-food energy crop, helianthus tuberosus l.(jerusalem artichoke). peer j, 2018, 6: e4325. j, wang m, zhang x, sun s, zhang a, chen n, zhao c* . enhanced cell dehydration tolerance and photosystem stability facilitate the occupation of cold alpine habitats by a homoploid hybrid species, picea purpurea. aob plants, 2018, 10(5): ply053. j, wang m, zhang x, sun s, chen n, zhang a, zhao c* . picea purpurea has a physiological advantage over its progenitors in alpine ecosystems due to transgressive segregation. journal of forest research, 2018: 1-9.

11.zhang x, chen l, wang j, wang m, yang s, zhao c* . photosynthetic acclimation to long-term high temperature and soil drought stress in two spruce species (picea crassifolia and p. wilsonii) used for afforestation. journal of forestry research, 2018, 29(2): 363-372. b, zhao c, zhang x, sun k. impacts of sand burial and wind erosion on regeneration and growth of a desert clonal shrub. frontiers in plant science, 2018, 9:1696. y, wu x, chen t, wang w,liu g, zhang w, li s, wang m, zhao c, zhou h, zhang g. plant phenotypic traits eventually shape its microbiota: a common garden test. frontiers in microbiology, 2018, 9.

14.wei x, sendall k m, stefanski a, zhao c, hou j, rich r l, montgomery r a, reich p b. consistent leaf respiratory response to experimental warming of three north american deciduous trees: a comparison across seasons, years, habitats and sites. tree physiology, 2017, 37(3): 285-300.

15.zhang l, an b, shu m, zhao c, yang x, suo y, se y, dabu x. incubation strategies of the black-necked crane (grus nigricollis) in relation to ambient temperature and time of day. avian research, 2017, 8(1): 19. b, zhang a, yang y, ma q, li x, zhao c*. long-term effects of xerophytic shrub haloxylon ammodendron plantations on soil properties and vegetation dynamics in northwest china. plos one. 2016, 11(12): e0168000.

17.zhang x, wang j, ji m, milne r, wang m, liu j, shi s, yang s, zhao c*. higher thermal acclimation potential of respiration but not photosynthesis in two alpine picea taxa in contrast to two lowland congeners. plos one, 2015, 10: e0123248. f, xu t, ji m, zhao c*. responses of two endemic species of hippophae to the qinghai-tibet plateau to elevated co2 concentration. photosynthetica, 2015, 53 (3): 395-402.

19.chen l, flynn d, zhang x, gao x, lin l, luo j, zhao c*. divergent patterns of foliar δ13c and δ15n in quercus aquifolioides with an altitudinal transect on the tibetan plateau: an integrated study based on multiple key leaf functional traits. journal of plant ecology, 2015, 8 (3): 303-312. f, xu t, ji m, zhao c*. differential drought tolerance in tree populationsfrom contrasting elevations. aob plants, 2014, 6:plu069; doi:10.1093/aobpla/plu069.

21.kou y, zeng j, liu j, zhao c*. germplasm diversity and differentiation of helianthus tuberosus l. revealed by aflp marker and phenotypic traits. journal of agricultural science, 2014, 152: 779-789.

22.sendall k m, reich p b, zhao c, hou j, wei x, stefanski a, rice k, rich r l, montgomery r a. acclimation of photosynthetic temperature optima of temperate and boreal tree species in response to experimental forest warming. global change biology, 2014, 21(3): 1342-1357.

23.xu p, zhang x, zhao c, chen l, gao x, yao b, deng j, deng y. foliar responses of abies fargesii franch. to altitude in the taibai mountain, china. polish journalof ecology, 2014, 62(3): 481-492. f, zhang x, chen l, zhao c*. the alpine homoploid hybrid pinus densata exhibits superior cold tolerance of photosynthesis compared to its progenitors, environmental and experimental botany, 2013, 85(1): 85-91.

25.yao b, zhao c, deng j, zhou h, zhao x, liu j. phenotypic plasticity of thellungiella salsaginea in response to saline stress. evolutionary ecology research, 2013, 15: 829-846.

26.feng j, jiang d, shang h, dong m, wang g, he x, zhao c, mao k. barcoding poplars (populus l.) from western china. plos one, 2013, 8: e71710.

27.liu b, opgenoorth l, miehe g, zhang d, wan d, zhao c, jia d, liu j. molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine “glasshouse” plant rheum alexandrae (polygonaceae). journal of systematics and evolution, 2013, 51(2): 134-141.

28.deng j, zuo w, wang z, fan z, ji m, wang g, ran j, zhao c, liu j, niklas k j, hammond s t, brown j h. insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. pnas, 2012, 109(22): 8600-8605.

29.yao b, cao j, zhao c, rengel z. influence of ammonium and nitrate supply on growth, nitrate reductase activity and n-use efficiency in a natural hybrid pine and its parents. journal of plant ecology, 2011, 4(4): 275-282. f, zhao c(co-first author.), milne r, ji m, chen l, liu j. enhanced drought-tolerance in the homoploid hybrid speciese pinus densata: implication for its habitat divergence from two progenitors. new phytologist, 2010, 185: 204-216.

31.zhang d, liu b, zhao c, lu x, wan d, ma f, chen l, liu j. ecological functions and differentially expressed transcripts of translucent bracts in an alpine ‘glasshouse’ plant rheum nobile (polygonaceae). planta, 2010, 231(6): 1505-1511.

32.wu f, yu z, wei x, deng j, li t, zhao c, wang g. relationship between groundwater depth and pattern of net primary production in oasis-desert ecotone. polish journal of ecology, 2010, 58(4): 681-692. f, chen l, yao b, zhao c*. physiological performances of maternally-dependent genotypes in the homoploid hybrid species hippophae goniocarpa. botanical studies, 2009, 50:171-179.

34.gao d, gao q, xu h, zhao c, liu j. physiological responses to gradual drought stress of seedlings of the diploid hybrid pinus densata and its two parental species. trees-structure and function, 2009, 23: 717-728.

35.zhao c, chen l, ma f, yao b, liu j. altitudinal differences in the leaf fitness of juvenile and mature alpine spruce trees (picea crassifolia). tree physiology, 2008, 28: 133-141.

36.wan d, wang a, wu g, zhao c*. isolation of polymorphic microsatellite markers from przewalskia tangutica (solanaceae). conservation genetics, 2008, 9: 995-997.

37.yu q, zhang d, wan d, xu h, zhao c*. development of microsatellite dna loci for pugionium dolabratum (brassicaceae), an endangered psammophyte. conservation genetics, 2008, 9: 1019-1022.

38.chen f, zhang l, zhao c*. isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for pinellia ternata and cross-species amplification. molecular ecology resources, 2008, 8 (6): 1460-1462.

39.deng j, li t, wang g, liu j, yu z, zhao c, ji m, zhang q, liu j. trade-offs between the metabolic rate and population density of plants. plos one, 2008, 3(3): e1799.

40.wei x, pan x, zhao c, wang g, deng j. response of three dominant shrubs to soil water and groundwater along the oasis-desert ecotone in northwest china. russian journal of ecology, 2008, 7 (39): 475 - 482.

41.zhao c*, wang g, wei x, deng j, cheng d. effects of groundwater depth variation on photosynthesis and photoprotection in leaves of elaeagnus angustifolia l. trees-structure and function, 2007, 21: 55-63.

42.peng x, zhao c, wu g, liu j. genetic variation and intra-specific morphological differentiation of picea likiangensis (piceaceae) revealed by rapd markers. trees-structure and function, 2007, 21: 457-464.

43.deng j, wang g, morris e, wei x, li d, chen b, zhao c, liu j, wang y. plant mass-density relationship along a moisture gradient in north-west china. journal of ecology. 2006, 94(5): 953-958.

44.zhao c, wang g. effects of drought stress on the photoprotection in ammopiptanthus mongolicus leaves. journal of integrative plant biology (acta botanica sinica), 2002, 44(11): 1309-1313.


1.王婧如, 王明浩, 张晓玮, 孙杉,赵长明*. 同倍体杂交物种紫果云杉的生态位分化及其未来潜在分布区预测. 林业科学, 2018, 54(6): 63-72.

2.吕世奇,寇一翾,曾军,杨彬,赵长明*. 菊芋新品种兰芋 1 号的选育. 中国蔬菜, 2018(1): 76-79.

3.吕世奇,寇一翾,曾军,杨彬,赵长明*. 菊芋有性繁殖特性与人工杂交育种研究. 西南农业学报, 2018,31 (6): 1272-1278.

4.段海霞,邹恭鲁,杨永鑫,李颖,吕世奇,孙杉,赵长明*. 两种基因型菊芋幼苗对盐胁迫的生长及生理响应. 干旱地区农业研究, 2018,36(3):176-183.

5.闫琦,张世挺,赵长明,刘培培,张娇娇,王跃华,魏海燕,王宪举,吕世奇,丁路明等. 高寒牧区不同菊芋品种茎叶青贮的饲用价值. 草业科学, 2018, 35(6): 1568-1573.

6.杨彬,吕世奇,寇一翾,孙杉,赵长明*. 半干旱地区不同生育期菊芋生长特性与气体交换特征. 草业学报, 2016, 25(10): 77-85.

7.樊宝丽,马全林,郭树江,张剑挥,张晓娟,张卫星,杜鹃,尉秋实,赵长明*.克隆植物沙拐枣的母株和分株对风蚀沙埋的生理生态响应. 西北植物学报, 2016 (12): 2491-2497.

8.杨彬,吕世奇,寇一翾,曾军,刘建全,赵长明*. 菊芋新品种 ‘兰芋 1 号’. 园艺学报, 2015, 42(s2): 2881-2882.

9.吕世奇,寇一翾, 杨彬, 曾军, 赵长明*.半干旱地区菊芋品系植株表型与光合特性分析. 作物学报, 2014, 40(10): 1871-1878.

10.寇一翾, 吕世奇, 刘建全, 赵长明*. 寡糖类能源植物菊芋及其综合利用研究进展. 生命科学, 2014, 26(5): 451-457.

11.王明浩, 张晓玮, 王婧如, 赵长明*. 一种简易准确测定木质部导水率的新方法. 植物生理学报, 2013, 49(3): 297-300.

12.马飞, 徐婷婷, 张晓玮, 赵长明*. 肋果沙棘幼苗对co2浓度升高的生理生态响应. 林业科学, 2012. 48(10): 30-35.

13.徐鹏彬, 邓建明, 赵长明*. 甘肃尕海湿地不同海拔草地群落组分及物种多样性研究.草业学报, 2012. 21(2): 219-226.

14.赵长明*, 高贤良, 马仁义, 陈立同, 陈拓, 任贾文. 祁连圆柏和青海云杉幼苗生理生态特征对干旱胁迫的响应. 冰川冻土, 2012.34(1): 147-154.

15.马飞, 徐婷婷, 陈立同, 张晓玮, 赵长明*.低温胁迫下二倍体杂交种高山松光系统ii功能稳定性研究. 西北植物学报, 2011,31(6): 1174-1179.

16.田新民, 赵长明*, 邓建明, 张晓玮, 陈拓, 任贾文, 王根轩.沿民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带分布的4种优势植物光合生理响应. 草业学报, 2011,20(4): 108-115.

17.马仁义, 张茜, 张强, 赵长明*. 持续干旱对侧柏和祁连圆柏的水分生理及光合作用的影响. 干旱区研究, 2010, 27 (1): 88-96.

18.马飞, 姬明飞, 陈立同, 徐婷婷, 赵长明*. 油松幼苗对干旱胁迫的生理生态响应. 西北植物学报, 2009, 29 (3): 548-554.

19.林玲, 陈立同, 郑伟烈, 罗建, 赵长明*. 西藏急尖长苞冷杉与川滇高山栎叶片d13 c沿海拔梯度的变化. 冰川冻土, 2008, 30 (6): 1048-1054.

20.马建伟, 张宋智, 郭小龙, 张会军, 陈立同, 赵长明*. 小陇山森林生态系统服务功能价值评估. 生态与农村环境学报, 2007, 23 (3): 27-30.

21.邓建明,张晓艳,王根轩,魏小平,赵长明. 不同水分条件下春小麦能量利用与密度的关系. 生态学报,2006, 26: 2281-2287.

22.赵长明, 魏小平, 尉秋实, 邓建明, 程栋梁, 王根轩. 民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带植物白刺和梭梭光合特性. 生态学报, 2005, 25 (8): 1908-1913.

23.魏小平, 赵长明, 王根轩, 陈宝明, 程栋梁. 民勤荒漠绿洲过渡带优势植物地上和地下生物量的估测模型. 植物生态学报, 2005, 29 (6): 878-883.

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