jicheng liao-永利棋牌


  • title: 教授
  • department: 动物学与发育生物学研究所
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  • email: liaojch@lzu.edu.cn
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藏仓鼠系统进化与环境适应. 2014.01 -- 2017.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目

西部荒漠地区子午沙鼠生态遗传研究. 2009.01 -- 2011.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目

西部荒漠地区子午沙鼠生态遗传研究. 2008.01 -- 2008.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目


重要荒漠和草原物种资源监测技术与示范. 2008.01 -- 2012. 12, 国家"十一五"科技支撑项目

我国高山鹑类的比较系统地理学研究. 2006.01 -- 2009.12, 国家自然科学基金重点项目


ding l., luo g., li w & liao j*. 2016. characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitogeneome of allactaga sibirica (rodentia: dipodidae). biochemical systematics and ecology 69(2016): 195-203.

ding l., li w & liao j*. 2016. characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of phodopus robrovskii (rodentia: cricetidae) and systematic implications for cricetinae phylogenetics. biochemical systematics and ecology 69 (2016): 226-235.

ding l., li w & liao j*. 2016. mitochondrial genome of cricetulus migratorius (rodentia: cricetidae): insights into the characteristics of the mitochondrial genome and the phylogenetic relationships of cricetulus species. gene 595(1): 121-129.

luo g. & liao j*. 2016. phylogenetic analysis of dipus sagitta and euchoreutes naso (rodentia: dipodidae) based on the mitochondrial genomes. mitochondrial dna part a 27(4): 2648-2650.

liao j, jing d, luo g, wang y, zhao l, liu n*. 2016. comparative phylogeography of meriones meridianus, dipus sagitta, and allactaga sibirica: potential indicators of the impact of the qinghai-tibetan plateau uplift. mammalian biology 80(1): 31-39.

罗光杰,景东东,廖继承*. 2015. 基于线粒体 cyt b 基因的柴达木盆地子午沙鼠的遗传多样性与种群结构分析. 兽类学报 35(3):297-303.

廖继承,包新康,张立勋主编. 2014. 甘肃脊椎动物检索表. 兰州大学出版社 兰州.

包新康,张立勋,廖继承主编. 2014. 河西常见脊椎动物图册. 兰州大学出版社 兰州.

刘迺发,包新康,廖继承主编. 2013. 青藏高原鸟类分类与分布. 科学出版社 北京.

zhao l., wang y., liu n. & liao j*. 2013. effects of change in altitude on the auditory bulla of midday gerbil, meriones meridianus. pakistan journal zoology 45(3):581-588.

wang y., zhao l., fang f., liao j*. & liu n. 2013. intraspecific molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the meriones meridanus (rodentia: cricetidae) complex in northern china reflect the processes of desertification and the tianshan mountains uplift. biological journal of the linnean society 110:362-383.

liao j., wang y., zhao l., fang f. & liu n*. 2013. influence of climatic factors on genetic diversity of midday gerbil (meriones meridianus pallas, 1773). journal of biological research-thessaloniki 19:120-130.

刘迺发, 吴洪斌, 郝耀明, 廖继承等. 2011. 宁夏沙坡头国家级自然保护区二期科学考察. 兰州大学出版社 兰州.

liao j., wang y., zhao l. & liu n*. 2010. effects of environmental factors on organ mass of midday gerbil (meriones meridianus pallas, 1773). mammalian biology 75(2010):381-388.

liao j. & liu n*. 2008. altitudinal variations of acoustic organs in anurans: a case study from china. italian journal of zoology 75(2):125-134.

liao j. zhang z. & liu n*. 2007. effects of altitudinal change on the auditory bulla in ochotona daurica (mammalia, lagomorpha). journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research 45(2):151-154.

廖继承, 肖振龙, 董媛, 张知彬, 刘迺发*, 李金钢. 2007. 甘肃仓鼠的分类地位. 动物学报 53(1):44-53.

liao j., zhang z. & liu n*. 2006. altitudina variation of skull size in daurian pika (ochotona daurica pallas, 1868). acta zoologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae 52(3):319-329.



updated:2017-06-28 | views:... |  | edit