baoping shao-永利棋牌


  • title: 副教授
  • department: 兰州大学 生命科学学院 动物学研究所
  • address: 天演楼316
  • tel: 13619328179
  • fax: 0931-8912561
  • email:
  • homepage:




academic appointments




2009.11.5—15:马来西亚参加“second international conference on sustainable animal agriculture for develop developing”

2012.02—07:   西安外国语大学参加出国外语培训


administrative appointments



honors & awards

1 2008年荣获“甘肃省高等学校科技成果二等奖”;

2 2007年荣获“甘肃省高等学校科技成果二等奖”.

3 2012年荣获“兰州大学科技论文(sci一区)贡献奖”



1 丁艳平,李加龙,柴尔青,王建林,邵宝平(通讯作者).牦牛颈上神经节对其生境适应的形态学机制.畜牧兽医学报.2012,43(5).

2 许文强, 邵宝平,王建林,赵善廷,等。牦牛海马的形态特征及成体神经发生的初探.兽类学报,2012,32(2).

邵宝平(通讯作者),余华昇,王建林.aqp9在脑疾病中的研究进展.动物医学进展. 2012,33(1).

邵宝平(通讯作者),等. kiss-1基因在黄牛精子发生中的表达.中国兽医科学.2011,41(12).


b. p. shao (通讯作者), y. p. ding, j. l. wang. the cranial cervical ganglion and its branches in the white yak (bos grunniens). anatomia histologia embryologia. 2011, 40 (sci四区).

b. shao, r. long, y. ding, j. wang, l. ding, and h. wang. morphological adaptations of yak (bos grunniens) tongue to the foraging environment of the qinghai-tibetan plateau. j. anim sci. 2010, 88 (sci一区).

8 c. yang, c.h. zhang, z.t. bai, g.q. yuan, b.p. shao, s.t. zhao, j.l. wang. anatomical localisation and histology of larynx-associated lymphoid tissue (lalt) in the adult bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus). journal of camel practice and research. 2010, 17(1) (sci四区).

9 y.w. luo, x.h. kang, y.y. liu, b.p. shao, s.t. zhao, j.l. wang. anatomical and histochemical characteristics of prostate gland in bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus). journal of camel practice and research. 2010, 17(1) (sci四区).

10 g.q.yuan, y.q. xu, c. yang, z.t. bai, j.b. he, b.p. shao, s.t. zhao, j.l .wang. the arterial vascularisation of septum interventriculare in bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus). 2010, 17(2) (sci四区).

11 徐元青,王建林,宋国强,王凤玲,邵宝平(通讯作者).gnrh在妊娠期黄牛下丘脑—垂体—卵巢轴中的表达.畜牧兽医学报.2010,41(12.

12 yanping ding, baoping shao, shiyuan yu, shanting zhao, jianlin wang. influence of superior cervical ganglionectomy on hippocampal neurogenesis and learning and memory in adult rats. neural regen res. 2009, 4(9) (sci四区).

13 c.h. zhang, c. yang, w.l. ye, h.f. zhang, b.p. shao, s.t. zhao, j.l .wang. histology and ultrastructure of larynx in the bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus). journal of camel practice and research. 2009,16(2) (sci四区).

14 g.q. yuan, l. zhang, z.t. bai, z.h. xu, c. yang, b.p. shao, s.t. zhao, arterial vascularisation of the atrioventricular node in bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus). journal of camel practice and research. 2010, 17(1) (sci四区).

15 bao-ping shao, yan-ping ding, shi-yaun yu, jian-lin wang. the arterial supply of the eye of the yak (bos grunnies). res vet sci. 2008, 84 (sci三区).

16 b. p. shao, y.p. ding, j.l. wang. the nervous supply to the nasal cavity of the yak (bos grunnies).the indian veterinary journal. 2008, 85 (sci四区).

17 c.j. gao, b.p. shao, j.l. wang. anatomical and histochmical characteristics of the lacrimal glands in bactrian camels (camelus bactrianus).journal of camel practice and research. 2008, 15(2) (sci四区).

18 bao-ping shao, yan-ping ding, zhao-hui xie, hong-xian yu, beate brand-saberi, jian-lin wang. the cranial cervical ganglion and its branches in the yak (bos grunniens). vet j.2007, 173 (sci二区).




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