chunming wang-永利棋牌



1992.6-1999.7 唐山市冀东制药厂

2004.7-至今   兰州大学生命科学学院

academic appointments

1988.8-1992.6 兰州大学生物系细胞生物学专业,获学士学位

1999.9-2004.6 兰州大学生命科学学院细胞生物学专业,获理学博士学位

2005.7-2007.1 新加坡国立大学医学院生理学系,作为research fellow从事线粒体解偶联蛋白(ucp)功能方面以及巨大阿米巴变形虫线粒体内膜立体结构与氧化胁迫的关系研究。

2011.12-2012.12 纽约州立大学布法罗分校医学与生物医学学院药理毒理学系,作为访问学者从事转录因子诱导少突胶质细胞定向分化的研究工作。

administrative appointments




honors & awards

获国家发明专利授权1项:作为细胞周期阻断剂和抗肿瘤活性药物的化合物;专利号:zl 2011 1 0231699.9



  1. wang cm, chen j, zhao j, hu ss, zhang sq, mi xq, shi x, cao xh and li z. xanthohumol induces ros through nadph oxidase, causes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. oxid med cell longev, 2021. 2021: 9877170.
  2. 王春明, 林昌俊, 冯虎元. 遗传漂变教学方法刍议. 遗传, 2020. 42(12): 1211-1220. (wang c, lin c, feng h. how to teach genetic drift. hereditas (beijing), 2020. 42(12): 1211-1220.)
  3. wang cm, huo x, chen j, liu jw, yang ty, mi xq, meng y, zhou l, lin cj, and liu j. an acute lytic cell death induced by xanthohumol obstructed ros detecting in hl-60 cells. toxicol in vitro, 2020. 62: 104667.
  4. 王春明, 孙英莉, 林昌俊, 王铭裕, 牛月, 李晓峰, 冯虎元. 粗糙脉孢菌7种子囊型归类教学探究. 遗传, 2019. 41(11): 1067-1072. (wang c, sun y, lin c, wang m, niu y, li x, feng h. how to deduce the seven basic class asci of ordered tetrads in neurospora. hereditas (beijing), 2019.41(11): 1067-1072.)
  5. mi x, wang c, sun c, chen x, huo x, zhang y, li g, xu b, zhang j, xie j, wang z, and li j. xanthohumol induces paraptosis of leukemia cells through p38 mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathway. oncotarget, 2017. 8(19): 31297-31304.
  6. 王春明. 本科遗传学教学中的遗传漂变概念探讨. 遗传, 2016. 38(1): 82-89. (wang c. exploration of the concept of genetic drift in genetics teaching of undergraduates. hereditas (beijing), 2016. 38(1): 82-89.)
  7. ru j, tang x, ju z, zhang g, dou w, mi x, wang c, and liu w. exploitation and application of a highly sensitive ru(ii) complex-based phosphorescent chemodosimeter for hg2 in aqueous solutions and living cells. acs appl mater interfaces, 2015. 7(7): 4247-56.
  8. ru j, chen x, guan l, tang x, wang c, meng y, zhang g, and liu w. ratiometric iridium(iii) complex-based phosphorescent chemodosimeter for hg(2 ) applicable in time-resolved luminescence assay and live cell imaging. anal chem, 2015. 87(6): 3255-62.
  9. wang j, pol su, haberman ak, wang c, o'bara ma, and sim fj. transcription factor induction of human oligodendrocyte progenitor fate and differentiation. proc natl acad sci u s a, 2014. 111(28): e2885-94.
  10. ru jx, guan lp, tang xl, dou w, yao x, chen wm, liu ym, zhang gl, liu ws, meng y, and wang cm. turn-on phosphorescent chemodosimeter for hg2 based on a cyclometalated ir(iii) complex and its application in time-resolved luminescence assays and live cell imaging. inorg chem, 2014. 53(21): 11498-506.
  11. liu j, zhou l, chen jh, mao w, li wj, hu w, wang sy, and wang cm. role of ozone in uv-c disinfection, demonstrated by comparison between wild-type and mutant conidia of aspergillus niger. photochem photobiol, 2014. 90(3): 615-21.
  12. zhang xl, cao ma, pu lp, huang ss, gao qx, yuan cs, and wang cm. a novel flavonoid isolated from sophora flavescens exhibited anti-angiogenesis activity, decreased vegf expression and caused g0/g1 cell cycle arrest in vitro. pharmazie, 2013. 68(5): 369-75.
  13. pu lp, chen hp, cao ma, zhang xl, gao qx, yuan cs, and wang cm. the antiangiogenic activity of kushecarpin d, a novel flavonoid isolated from sophora flavescens ait. life sci, 2013. 93(21): 791-7.
  14. liu j, li j, li wj, and wang cm. the role of uncoupling proteins in diabetes mellitus. j diabetes res, 2013. 2013: 585897.
  15. 郑荣梁, 王春明, 林昌俊, 石益民, 李忌, 赵晨阳, 张琪, 黄双盛, 牟萍, and 谭晓荣. dna瞬态损伤的快速修复阻断癌变最早事件的发展. 生物物理学报, 2012. 28(3): 185-99.
  16. zhao j, ding hx, zhao dg, wang cm, and gao k. isolation, modification and cytotoxic evaluation of flavonoids from rhododendron hainanense. j pharm pharmacol, 2012. 64(12): 1785-92.
  17. 王春明 and 郑荣梁. 种间对比研究方法阐明解偶联蛋白与最大寿命的关系. 中国老年学杂志, 2011. 31(2): 348-350.
  18. 史祥, 闫福林, 葛峰, 蒲丽平, 赵晶, 高清祥, and 王春明. 七种天然二萜类化合物的体外细胞毒活性及其构效关系. 天然产物研究与开发, 2011. 23(b12): 39-42.
  19. zheng r, jia z, li j, huang s, mu p, zhang f, wang c, and yuan c. fast repair of dna radicals in the earliest stage of carcinogenesis suppresses hallmarks of cancer. rsc advances, 2011. 1(1): 1610-1619.
  20. wang cm, almsherqi za, mclachlan cs, matthews s, ramachandran m, tay s, and deng y. acute starvation in c57bl/6j mice increases myocardial ucp2 and ucp3 protein expression levels and decreases mitochondrial bio-energetic function. stress, 2011. 14(1): 66-72.
  21. huang hl, wang cm, wang zh, yao mj, han gt, yuan jc, gao k, and yuan cs. tirucallane-type triterpenoids from dysoxylum lenticellatum. j nat prod, 2011. 74(10): 2235-42.
  22. 赵晶, 蒲丽平, 杨精涛, 刘权, 高清祥, 王勤, and 王春明. 2种苯并呋喃衍生物对肝癌细胞的毒性及活性氧机制. 中国实验方剂学杂志, 2010. 16(16): 105-108.
  23. 王春明, 陈和平, and 郑荣梁. 自由基医学理论用于“治未病”的探讨. 中国预防医学杂志, 2009. 10(7): 685-688.
  24. wang cm, almsherqi za, slocinska mb, tan oll, cheong ymc, and deng y. uncoupling protein may contribute to the much longer maximum life span potential of canary than mouse, in proceedings of the xiv biennial meeting of the society for free radical research international. 2008. 147-152.
  25. liu j, wang gx, wei l, and wang cm. reproductive allocation patterns in different density populations of spring wheat. journal of integrative plant biology, 2008. 50(2): 141-146.
  26. wang cm, jia zj, and zheng rl. the effect of 17 sesquiterpenes on cell viability and telomerase activity in the human ovarian cancer cell line ho-8910. planta medica, 2007. 73(2): 180-184.
  27. li pl, wang cm, zhanga zx, and jia zj. five new eremophilane derivatives from ligularia sagitta. tetrahedron, 2007. 63(51): 12665-12670.
  28. liu j, wei l, wang cm, wang gx, and wei xp. effect of water deficit on self-thinning line in spring wheat (triticum aestivum l.) populations. journal of integrative plant biology, 2006. 48(4): 415-419.
  29. 王春明 and 郑荣梁. 衰老和癌变过程中自由基与端粒和端粒酶的关系研究进展. 自由基生命科学进展, 2004. 10: 26-31.
  30. wu qh, wang cm, cheng sg, and gao k. bieremoligularolide and eremoligularin, two novel sesquiterpenoids from ligularia muliensis. tetrahedron letters, 2004. 45(48): 8855-8858.
  31. wang cm, hua w, we ym, jia zj, and zheng rl. in vitro effects on proliferation, telomerase activity and apoptosis of an eremophilanoid sesquiterpene from senecio oldhamianus maxim in cultured human tumor cell lines. pharmazie, 2004. 59(10): 802-806.
  32. min y, wang cm, qi z, han yf, and jia zj. sesquiterpenes, lignans and other constituents from saussurea macrota. pharmazie, 2004. 59(12): 972-976.
  33. yang c, wang cm, and jia zj. sesquiterpenes and other constituents from the aerial parts of inula japonica. planta medica, 2003. 69(7): 662-666.
  34. wang ws, gao k, wang cm, and jia zj. cytotoxic triterpenes from liguladopsis shichuana. pharmazie, 2003. 58(2): 148-150.
  35. 王春明, 陈兴, 王瑛, 贾忠建, and 郑荣梁. 离舌橐吾中3种倍半萜的体外抗癌活性. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2002. 38(6): 123-124.
  36. yang h, wang cm, jia zj, and shi yp. four new eremophilanoid sesquiterpenes from senecio oldhamianus. acta chimica sinica, 2001. 59(10): 1686-1690.



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