xiaoming shi-永利棋牌


  • title: associate professor
  • department: institute of ecology
  • address: yifu biology building 906b
  • tel:
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  • email: xmshi@lzu.edu.cn
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◎ 2016/05 –, lanzhou university, school of life science, associate professor

◎ 2011/07 –2016/05, lanzhou university, school of life science, lecturer


academic appointments

◎ 2006/09 – 2011/06, lanzhou university, school of life science, ecology, doctor

◎ 2002/09 – 2006/06, xueslanzhou university, school of life science, ecology, bachelor

administrative appointments
honors & awards

national science foundation of china project "effects of nitrogen addition on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in alpine meadow on the qinghai-tibetan plateau: key processes and mechanisms", 31872689,2019.01-2022.12

national science foundation of china project "the mechanism of ligularia virgaurea promoting soil nitrogen mineralization in alpine meadow on the qinghai-tibetan plateau", 41201285,2013.01-2015.12


1. xiao ming shi、xiao gang li*、rong mei wu、yun hui yang、rui jun long, changes in soil biochemical properties associated with ligularia virgaurea spreading in grazed alpine meadows, plant and soil,347:65–78,2011

2. xiao ming shixiao gang li*、rui jun long、bhupinderpal-singh、zhuo ting li、feng min li, dynamics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen associated with physically-separated fractions in a grassland-cultivation sequence in the qinghai-tibetan plateau, biology and fertility of soils,46:103–111,2010

3. xiao gang li*、xiao ming shi、de jian wang、wei zhou, effect of alkalized magnesic salinity on soil respiration changes with substrate availability and incubation time, biology and fertility of soils,48: 597-602,2012

4. xiao gang li*、mei lan zhang、zhuo ting li、xiao ming shi、qifu ma、rui jun long, dynamics of soil properties and organic carbon pool in topsoil of zokor-made mounds at an alpine site of the qinghai-tibetan plateau, biology and fertility of soils,45:865–872,2009

updated:2018-12-21 | views:... |  | edit