wei ding-永利棋牌


  • title: 副教授 硕士生导师
  • department: 微生物所
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  • email: dingw@lzu.edu.cn
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◆2010.9-2012.5 德国saarland大学和helmholtz研究所抗感染saar中心药物生物技术博士后    导师: rolf müller 院士,张友明教授

◆2013.1至今   兰州大学生命科学院微生物所   副教授

academic appointments

◆2001.9-2005.6  兰州大学生命科学院   生物学国家基地班    学士    导师:毕玉蓉教授
◆2005.9-2010.6  兰州大学和中科院上海有机化学研究所联合陪养  化学生物学  博士    导师:毕玉蓉教授,刘文研究员,唐功利研究员 


administrative appointments
honors & awards

25. biosynthesis of the nosiheptide indole side ring centers on a cryptic carrier protein nosj

wei ding,wenjuan ji, yujie wu, runze wu, wan-qiu liu, tianlu mo, junfeng zhao, xiaoyan ma, wei zhang, ping xu, zixin deng, boping tang* ,yi yu* and qi zhang*

nature communications. 2017 sep 5;8(1):437. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00439-1

24.mechanistic study of the non‐oxidative decarboxylation catalyzed by the radical s-adenosyl‐l-methionine enzyme blse involved in blasticidin s biosynthesis

lei liu, xinjian ji,yongzhen li,wenjuan ji, tianlu mo, wei ding and qi zhang*

chemical communications. 2017 jul 3. doi: 10.1039/c7cc04286

23.biosynthetic insights into linaridin natural products from genome mining and precursor peptide mutagenesis

tianlu mo, wan-qiu liu, wenjuan ji, junfeng zhao, tuo chen, wei ding,shaoning yu* and qi zhang*

acs chem biol. 2017 jun 16;12(6):1484-1488.

acs chem biol. 2017 jun 16;12(6):1484-1488. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00262.

22. nucleoside-linked shunt products in the reaction catalyzed by the class c radical s-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase nosn

 wei ding, yujie wu, xinjian ji, haocheng qianzhu, fener chen, zixin deng, yi yu and qi zhang* 

chemical communications, 2017, doi: 10.1039/c7cc02162c    (if:6.56,一区)

21.catalytic mechanism of the class c radical s-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase

wei ding, yongzhen li, junfeng zhao, xinjian ji, tianlu mo, haocheng qianzhu, zixin deng, yi yu, and qi zhang*

angew chem int ed engl. 2017, doi: 10.1002/anie.201609948 (if:11.7) (vip paper)

20. reactivity of the nitrogen-centered tryptophanylradical in the catalysis by the radical sam enzyme nosl

haocheng qianzhu,   wenjuan ji,   xinjian ji,   leixia chu,  chuchu guo,   wei lu,   wei ding,   jiangtao gao* and  qi zhang*

chem. commun. 2016, 53, 344-347.(if:6.56) 

19. expanding radical sam chemistry by using radical addition reactions and sam analogues

xinjian ji, yongzhen li, liqi xie, haojie lu, wei ding*, and qi zhang*

angew chem int ed engl. 2016, doi: 10.1002/anie.201605917 ( if:11.7) 

18. mechanistic study of the radical sam-dependent amine dehydrogenation reactions

xinjian ji, wan-qiu liu, shuguang yuan, yue yin, wei ding and qi zhang* 

chem. comm. 2016, doi: 10.1039/c6cc05661j (if:6.56) 

17.catalytic promiscuity of the radical s-adenosyl-l-methionine enzyme nosl

wei ding, xinjian ji and yongzhen li, and qi zhang*

frontiers in chemistry, 2016, 4, 27.(if:3.99) 

16. characterization of a c3 deoxygenation pathway reveals a key branch point in aminoglycoside biosynthesis

meinan lv, xinjian ji, junfeng zhao, yongzhen li, chen zhang, li su, wei ding, zixin deng, yi yu* and qi zhang*

j. am. chem. soc. 2016, 138, 6427-35. (if: 13.0) 

15. emerging diversity of the cobalamin-dependent methyltransferases involving radical-based mechanisms

wei ding, qien li, youli jia, xinjian ji, haocheng qianzhu, and qi zhang*

chembiochem, 2016, doi: 10.1002/cbic.201600107 (if:2.85) 

14. biosynthetic investigation of phomopsins revealed a widespread pathway for ribosomal natural products in ascomycetes

wei ding, wan-qiu liu, youli jia, yongzhen li, wilfred a van der donk*, and qi zhang*

proc. natl. acad. sci. 2016, 113, 3521-6 (if:9.4) 

13. mechanistic insights into the radical s-adenosyl-l-methionine enzyme nosl from a substrate analogue and the shunt products.

xianjian ji, yongzhen li, youli jia, wei ding, qi zhang*

angew chem int ed engl. 2016, 55, 3334-7 (if:11.7) 

12 . substrate-tuned catalysis of the radical s-adenosyl-l-methionine enzyme nosl involved in nosiheptide biosynthesis

xianjian ji, yongzhen li, wei ding, qi zhang*

angew chem int ed engl. 2015, 54, 9021-4 (if:11.7) 

11. metabolic flux analysis of the halophilic archaeon haladaptatus paucihalophilus

guangxiu liu, manxiao zhang, tianlu mo, lian he, wei zhang, yi yu*, qi zhang*, wei ding*.

biochem biophys res commun. 2015, 467, 1058-62 (if: 2.4) 

10 . substrate-controlled stereochemistry in enzyme catalysis

wei ding, yongzhen li, and qi zhang*

acs chem biol. 2015, 10, 1590-8 (if.5.1) 

9. evolution of threonine aldolases, a diverse family involved in the second pathway of glycine biosynthesis

guangxiu liu, manxiao zhang, ximing chen, wei zhang, wei ding*, qi zhang*

j. mol. evol., 2015, 80, 102-107 (if: 1.8) 

8. aromatic polyketides produced by bacterial iterative type i polyketide synthases

qi zhang, bo pang, wei ding, and wen liu

acs catal., 2013, 3 (7), pp 1439–1447 (if:9.3)

7. insight into bacterial 6-methylsalicyclic acid synthase and its engineering to orsellinic acid synthase for novel spirotetronates generation.

wei ding, chun lei, qingli he, yurong bi , wen liu.

chemistry & biology, 2010, 17, 495–503 (if:5.7)(cell 子刊)

6. biosynthesis of 3-methoxy-5-methyl naphthoic acid and its incorporation into the antitumor antibiotic azinomycin b.

wei ding, wei deng, manchen tang, gongli tang, yurong bi, wen liu.

molecular biosystems, 2010, 6, 1071-1081 if:2.8)

5. nitric oxide mediates abscisic acid induced thermotolerance in the calluses

from two ecotypes of reed under heat stress.

lili song, wei ding, juan shen, zhiguo zhang, yurong bi, lixin zhang.      

plant science, 2008, 175 (6): 826-832.(co-first author)(if:3.4)

4. evidence for the involvement of abscisic acid in heat stress tolerance of the calluses from two ecotypes of reed.

wei ding, lili song, yurong bi.

biologia plantarum, 2010, 54 (1–4): 607-613 (if:1.7)

3. genetic characterization of the saframycin a gene cluster from streptomyces lavendulae nrrl11002 revealing a nrps system for the characteristic bisquinone biosynthesis in an iterative manner.

lei li, wei deng, jie song, wei ding, qunfei, zhao, weiwen song, gongli tang, wen liu.

journal of bacteriol, 2008, 290, 251–263. (if:3.2)

2.characterization of the azinomycin b biosynthetic gene cluster revealing a different iterative type i polyketide synthase for naphthoate biosynthesis.

qunfei zhao, qingli he, wei ding, mancheng tang, qianjin kang, yi yu, wei deng, qi zhang, jie fang, gongli tang, and wen liu.

chemistry & biology, 2008, 15, 693-705. (if:5.7)

a. nitric oxide protects against oxidative stress under heat stress in the calluses from two ecotypes of reed.

lili song, wei ding, mingui zhao, baoteng sun, lixin zhang.

plant science, 2006, 171 (4): 449-458. (if:3.4) 



   刘文,丁伟,公开号 :101812103a(有权)

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