zeyong zhang-永利棋牌


  • title: 副教授
  • department: 植物学与植物生理学研究所
  • address:
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  • email: zyzhang@lzu.edu.cn
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1. 2018/06-今,兰州大学,生命科学学院,副教授

2. 2011/08-2017/8,中国科学院植物研究所,博士后


academic appointments

1. 2005/09-2011/06,兰州大学,生命科学学院,博士


administrative appointments
honors & awards
  1. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,osicl2提高水稻非生物胁迫耐受性的调控机理,项目编号:31400238,2015/01-2017/12,24万


1.zeyong zhang, huanhuan liu, ce sun, qibin ma, huaiyu bu, kang chong, yunyuan xu*, a c2h2 zinc-finger protein oszfp213 interacts with osmapk3 to enhance salt tolerance in rice. jounal of plant physiology, 2018, 229: 100-110.

2.zhang zy, li jh, li f, liu hh, yang ws, chong k*, xu yy*, osmapk3 phosphorylates osbhlh002 and impairs its ubiquitination to activate ostpp1 for enhancing rice chilling tolerance. developmental cell, 2017, 43: 731-743.

3.na xf1, li xr1, zhang z y1, li m, kardol p, xu tt, wang m, cao xn, ma f*, bacterial community dynamics in the rhizosphere of a long-lived, leguminous shrub across a 40-year age sequence. journal of soils & sediments, 2018, 18: 76-84. (co-first author)

4.zhang zy1, li jh1, liu hh, chong k, xu yy*, roles of ubiquitination-mediated protein degradation in plant responses to abiotic stresses. environmental and experimental botany, 2014, 114: 92-103. (co-first author)

5.zhang zy, wang hh, wang xm, bi yr*, nitric oxide enhances aluminum tolerance by affecting cell wall polysaccharides in rice roots. plant cell reports, 2011, 30: 1701-1711.

6.liu hh, guo sy, xu yy, li ch, zhang zy, zhang dj, xu sj, zhang c, chong k*, osmir396d-regulated osgrfs function in floral organogenesis in rice through binding to their targets osjmj706 and oscr4. plant physiology, 2014, 165: 160-174. 


updated:2018-08-28 | views:... |  | edit