

  • 职  称: 教授
  • 所在部门: 生态学研究所
  •  办公室: 逸夫生物楼1014
  • 联系电话:
  • 传真号码: 0931-8912922
  • 电子邮件: mjma@
  • 个人永利棋牌主页:

  2015–2016: 美国university of new mexico,生物系,博士后;

● 2004–2009: 兰州大学,生命科学学院,理学博士;

● 2000–2004: 西北师范大学,生命科学学院,理学学士。


● 2014–至今: 兰州大学,生命科学学院,草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室,教授;

● 2012–2014: 兰州大学,生命科学学院,草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室,副教授;

● 2009–2012: 兰州大学,生命科学学院,干旱与草地生态教育部重点实验室,讲师。


    ● 甘肃省生态学会理事(2014-)

    ● 曾为以下期刊审稿:

acta oecologica | agriculture ecosystems & environment | applied vegetation science | arctic antarctic and alpine research| ecology | ecology and evolution | ecological indicators | flora | functional ecology | global ecology and biogeography | journal of applied ecology | journal of mountain science | journal of plant ecology | journal of plant research | land degradation & development | plant and soil | plant ecology | plos one | nordic journal of botany | solid earth | turkish journal of agriculture and forestry | weed biology and management 

植物生态学报 | 草业科学 | 中国草地学报





      ● 土壤种子库在植物群落更新和物种多样性维持中的作用

      ● 人类干扰和气候变化对草地生态系统的影响机理

      ● 多稳态理论(稳态转换)和草地生态系统弹性、退化和恢复



● 国家自然科学基金-优秀青年项目,土壤种子库与草地生态系统恢复,31922062,2020/01-2022/12,项目负责人

● 甘肃省杰出青年基金项目,青藏高原土壤环境对土壤种子库形成和功能的影响机理,18jr3ra261,2018/07-2020/06,项目负责人

● 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,温度和降雨量变化对青藏高原高寒草甸土壤种子库的直接和间接作用机理,41671246,2017/01-2020/12,项目负责人

● 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,土壤种子库在青藏高原高寒湿地恢复中的作用机制研究,41101527,2012/01-2014/12,项目负责人


● 国家自然科学基金重点项目,青藏高原草地土壤-植被互馈关系及其空间异质性机理,41430749,2015/01- 2019/12,项目参与人

● 国家自然科学基金重点项目,青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统地上/地下反馈机制研究,40930533,2010/01- 2013/12,项目参与人

● 国家科技支撑计划项目-课题,黄河重要水源补给区(玛曲)湿地生态系统修复关键技术集成与示范推广模式研究,2009bac53b03,2009/07 -2012/06,课题参与人


    ● 国家优秀青年科学基金,2019年

    ● 甘肃省杰出青年基金,2018年

    ● 甘肃省科技进步一等奖(12/13),2014年


● 教学:



   研究生教学:《专业英语》 (2017年)

● 指导研究生情况:



● 代表作:

15.miaojun ma*, scott l. collins, guozhen du. 2020. direct and indirect effects of temperature and precipitation on alpine seed banks in the tibetan plateau. ecological applications. in press.

14.miaojun ma*, carol c. baskin, wenjin li, yunpeng zhao, yin zhao, liang zhao, chen ning, guozhen du. 2019. seed banks trigger ecological resilience in subalpine meadows abandoned after arable farming on the tibetan plateau. ecological applications. 29(7):e01959.

13.miaojun ma*, jeffrey l. walck, zhen ma, lipei wang, guozhen du. 2018. grazing disturbance increases transient but decreases persistent soil seed bank. ecological applications. 28(4):1020-1031.

12.miaojun ma*, james w. dalling, zhen ma, xianhui zhou. 2017. soil environmental factors drive seed density across vegetation types on the tibetan plateau. plant and soil. 419(1):349-361.

11.miaojun ma*, carol c.baskin, kailiang yu, zhen ma, guozhen du. 2017. wetland drying indirectly influences plant community and seed bank diversity through soil ph. ecological indicators. 80:186-195.

10.zhen ma, miaojun ma*, jerry m. baskin, carol c. baskin, junyong li, guozhen du*. 2014. responses of alpine meadow seed bank and vegetation to nine consecutive years of soil fertilization. ecological engineering. 70:92-101.

09.miaojun ma, zhen ma, guozhen du*. 2014. effects of water level on three wetlands soil seed banks on the tibetan plateau. plos one. 9(7):e101458.

08.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, wei qi, kun liu, peng jia, guozhen du*. 2013. seasonal dynamics of the plant community and soil seed bank along a successional gradient in a subalpine meadow on the tibetan plateau. plos one. 8(11):e80220.

07.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, guozhen du*. 2013. effects of disturbance intensity on dynamics of alpine meadow soil seed banks on the tibetan plateau. plant and soil. 369:283-295.

06.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, zhen ma, guozhen du*. 2012. composition of the soil seed bank and vegetation changes after wetland drying and soil salinization on the tibetan plateau. ecological engineering. 44:18-26.

05.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, guozhen du*. 2011. soil seed bank dynamics in alpine wetland succession on the tibetan plateau. plant and soil. 346:19-28.

04.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, gang wang, zhen ma, guozhen du*. 2010. seasonal dynamics in alpine meadow seed banks along an altitudinal gradient on the tibetan plateau. plant and soil. 336:291-302.

03.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, guozhen du*. 2010. role of soil seed bank along a disturbance gradient in an alpine meadow on the tibet plateau. flora. 205(2):128-134.

02.miaojun ma, guozhen du*, xianhui zhou. 2009. role of the soil seed bank during succession in a subalpine meadow on the tibetan plateau. arctic antarctic and alpine research. 41(4):469-477.

01.miaojun ma, xianhui zhou, zhengwen lü, guozhen du*. 2009. a comparison of the soil seed bank in an enclosed vs. a degraded alpine meadow in the eastern tibetan plateau. acta ecologica sinica. 29(7):3658-3664.



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